At Telecoming we are specialists in Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) and our latest research points out to the fact that Spanish mobile users approximately spend at least 26€ per year via DCB on mobile contents.
On our previous research, under the name Evolution and Perspectives of Carrier Billing in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities, we already forecasted that by the end of 2018 Spain’s DCB market would reach €256M turnover and it appears that the growth trend is here to stay.
Since DCB is a payment model that does not require credit cards or any other physical means it has a great reception among young and digital segments. However, DCB is also starting to stregthen its uptake among older age groups, since it’s also spreading to other sectors, aside from digital contents, including: transports, donations and ticketing.
In this sense, our Chief Operations Officer, Roberto Monge, recently stated that “this growth portrays that users are more and more willing to pay for quality contents, since they are increasing their awareness on their value”.
Smartphones are undoubtedly, one of the main drivers for this increase in digital content consumption. Moreover, Spain is the sixth country worldwide, with the highest mobile penetration (over 80% of the overall population).
Digital consumption is unstoppable
On the one hand, among young digital users (16-24 year olds), digital consumption is basically focused on music and social media (95%). On the other hand, among 35 to 44 year olds, image display and reading the news are the core digital activities for over 80% of the mobile users.
Spain: in pole position concerning video streaming
Among the preferred mobile activities users undoubtedly pick video streaming. It has become the most requested means for brands, companies, editors and users themselves to share and consume digital contents.
In this sense, Spain is only after Italy the European country in which mobile users choose to spend 48% of their time in their smartphones streaming videos.
Improved and connected devices, changes in consumer habits and, above all, a willingness to enjoy the best contents through a simple, agile and secure mobile payment process is the key to the present and future success of Direct Carrier Billing.
Source: Telecoming ad-tech