As usual, this year nougats have returned to the Spanish homes for Christmas and also our annual analysis of this very traditional sector in our country.

For those of you who are not that familiar with Spanish Christmas habits, nougats are one of the most popular desserts in this season. The nougat manufacturing industry contributes significantly to the generation of wealth and abroad it has achieved a certain degree of popularity too.

Telecoming, backed by its financial information service, has, analyzed the most relevant business figures of the leading 30 business groups specialized in manufacturing nougats in 2017.

The following are the key highlights unveiled by this analysis:

73% of sales belong to 5 business groups

Overall, there has been a general increase in turnover compared to 2016, reaching 469.2 M€ last year. Most of it belongs to 5 large nougat companies that lead the sector in 2017.

The first position in terms of sales volume is held one more year by Sanchís Mira SA, with 103.163.599€, followed by Delaviuda Alimentación SAU with 79.995.434€, Comercial Chocolates Lacasa with 77.198.374, Cantalou SA with 44.782,994€ and Torrons Vicens SL with 36.591.846€.

A quality product with a long history

In order for a nougat to obtain the designation of origin label, it must follow rigorous and ancestral production processes.

Half of the sales registered in 2017 are correlated with those nougat groups that manufacture, at least, one brand acknowledged with designation of origin.

In addition, out of the 5 companies with the highest turnover in the sector, only 2 of them are linked to a designation of origin: Sanchís Mira SA (DO Jijona) and Torrons Vicens SL (DO Agramunt).

A sector that employs over 1.600 professionals

The nougat companies employed 1.619 people in 2017. The nougat company that employed the most professionals was La Confitería Delaviuda SA (435 professionals), followed by Sanchís Mira Sa (184 people) and Torrons Vicens SL (165 professionals).

Thanks to the data gathered by we have been able to draft an accurate profile of the nougat sector in Spain for 2017. Our purpose is to deliver market facts and insights with a real social impact and which positively contributes towards rigorous decision making.

Source: Telecoming ad-tech