A cashless society is possible, hello Sweden!

A cashless society is possible, hello Sweden!

According to the European Payments Council, Sweden is going to become the first cashless society because digital money is more used than cash. The largest country in Northern Europe has a very developed structure of electronic payments, including an own system, called...

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Cashless payments, be part of the trend

Cashless payments, be part of the trend

Do you remember when we use to pay by cash ou daily expenses? In 2019, this is a past fact. Cashless payments have been on the rise year after year, but the trend is now different. Credit card payments, as well as bank transfers, have become an essential resource for...

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How to use data to improve your marketing

How to use data to improve your marketing

Here’s something that you might not already know. Your customers expect you to understand what they want. Not only this, they expect you to know when they want and how they want it. Today, the modern marketer has no reason for not being able to deliver on these...

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Rouge Agency drives digital transformation

Rouge Agency drives digital transformation

Rouge Agency firmly believes that the interaction between brands and users is changing promoted by technology.  Our Agency Director, Verónica Hernández, speaks to El Publicista about the promising future that the advertising market is facing thanks to the irruption of...

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Rouge AdTech Agency publications are edited by the Telecoming editorial team.

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