Future is closer than you imagine

Future is closer than you imagine

We will take part in the upcoming MWC with a (super) stand in the 8.1 pavilions! Located on hall 8.1 – the Digital Planet, it will consist of a 45 square meters surface, and on this occasion, we will count with two floors where we will wait for your visit. On this...

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The technological race of payment methods

The technological race of payment methods

  The digital payment market is one of the industries that are experiencing more transformations in the last years. This is due to the strong impact caused by the habits of new generations, users who want to be able to make immediate transactions from their own...

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Our Team’s Perspectives for this New Year

Our Team’s Perspectives for this New Year

  At Telecoming we are looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges we will be facing this year. For this reason, we want to share some of our team’s perspectives for 2019, a year that has began, loaded with exciting goals. “In 2018 we have seen how DCB has...

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Nougats: a prerequisite for Christmas in Spain!

Nougats: a prerequisite for Christmas in Spain!

  As usual, this year nougats have returned to the Spanish homes for Christmas and also our annual analysis of this very traditional sector in our country. For those of you who are not that familiar with Spanish Christmas habits, nougats are one of the most popular...

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May Success, Happiness and Joy fill the New Year!

May Success, Happiness and Joy fill the New Year! As New Year is gently approaching and the holidays are here we want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We want to thank you for the continued trust you have placed in us. It...

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Key digital trends that are bound to shape 2019!

Key digital trends that are bound to shape 2019!

2019 is getting closer and closer and it seems that it will come loaded with new opportunities for all mobile actors and marketing players. There are a series of trends and strategic opportunities which are called to transform work processes, to encourage improved...

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The smartphone becomes the new cooking buddy

The smartphone becomes the new cooking buddy

  Technology has arrived to bring profound changes in our lives and this also affects our cooking habits. At Telecoming we are strongly aware of this, as a result of our analysis on the Spanish digital foodie’s profile. As a starting point, it’s worth analyzing what...

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Rouge AdTech Agency publications are edited by the Telecoming editorial team.

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Paseo de la Castellana 95,

Planta 16, Torre Europa,

Madrid, Spain


+ 34 911 128 997
